Let’s go green with Residential Fuel Cells! This slogan is recently soaring among many people as they begin to be aware of living in green way. Indeed, green is not merely a color but the way we live. When people decide to live in green way, it means that they are ready to do everything in order to create green world.
Living greenly covers all parts of your life, including the way you make use of the power system in your house. In reality, going green can be started even from the smallest community: a family; and Residential Fuel Cells will be your perfect choice which will lead you into green world in power and heat system.
What is Residential Fuel Cells For?
Fuel cell technology begins to be popular these days; particularly when global warming issue is spreading. The technology of this fuel system is based on the conversion of natural gas into hot water and electrical power which you can install in your house. The conversion is totally clean. The Residential Fuel Cells unit is also able to produce hot water you can use for spa, swimming pool, or other domestic usages.
What is the Advantage of Residential Fuel Cells?
The first advantage surely goes to the environment since this fuel cell system can save the environment; just like other green ways of living. Since it generates the heat and electricity on site, chemical conversion from hydrocarbon fuels to energy becomes more efficient compared to grid-connected system or heat coming from fuel burning. This will reduce the CO2 the air contains.
Moreover, Residential Fuel Cells will lower your electricity bill up to 50%. After buying this Residential Fuel Cells unit for some months, you will be able to payback it by the savings of your electricity bill.
Residential Fuel Cells Installation
Residential Fuel Cells can be installed inside the mechanical room as well on the outside parts of business or homes. In addition, this unit can be sited within a building design. The operation system of this green fuel system is like the electricity provider, water heater, and furnace in one compact unit. It can be said as a simple technology with large advantage.
Utility grid which is connected through home main service panels by using net metering makes the Residential Fuel Cells unit easy to be integrated into existing hydronic and electricity system in your house.
The natural gas supplies around your house are hooked up by the Residential Fuel Cells unit through the fuel processor to draw the hydrogen molecule out. After that, the electrochemical process combining oxygen with hydrogen molecules, the fuel cell unit generates electricity up to 5kW you can use for the whole home.
The electrochemical process involved in Residential Fuel Cells does not entail the combustion like the way traditional power plants generate the electricity. The elimination of combustion automatically reduces the production of pollutants and carbon emission as well, up to forty percents. Meanwhile, the heat which is produced as byproduct from that electrochemical process is able to produce sufficient amount of excess heat which can be used to warm around 750 gallons water. This excess heat can be managed to heat your hot water supplies or even a swimming pool in your house.
The usage and the advantage of Residential Fuel Cells units depend on the capacity of the unit itself, besides the amount of natural gas converted. Once you think that your units cannot afford the electricity and heat needs in your house anymore, it is possible for you to make changes or enlarge the capacity of the unit.
There are many Residential Fuel Cells manufacturers you can hire to install the unit in your house. Green living should be much easier today with this kind of fuel system.
Living greenly covers all parts of your life, including the way you make use of the power system in your house. In reality, going green can be started even from the smallest community: a family; and Residential Fuel Cells will be your perfect choice which will lead you into green world in power and heat system.
What is Residential Fuel Cells For?
Fuel cell technology begins to be popular these days; particularly when global warming issue is spreading. The technology of this fuel system is based on the conversion of natural gas into hot water and electrical power which you can install in your house. The conversion is totally clean. The Residential Fuel Cells unit is also able to produce hot water you can use for spa, swimming pool, or other domestic usages.
What is the Advantage of Residential Fuel Cells?
The first advantage surely goes to the environment since this fuel cell system can save the environment; just like other green ways of living. Since it generates the heat and electricity on site, chemical conversion from hydrocarbon fuels to energy becomes more efficient compared to grid-connected system or heat coming from fuel burning. This will reduce the CO2 the air contains.
Moreover, Residential Fuel Cells will lower your electricity bill up to 50%. After buying this Residential Fuel Cells unit for some months, you will be able to payback it by the savings of your electricity bill.
Residential Fuel Cells Installation
Residential Fuel Cells can be installed inside the mechanical room as well on the outside parts of business or homes. In addition, this unit can be sited within a building design. The operation system of this green fuel system is like the electricity provider, water heater, and furnace in one compact unit. It can be said as a simple technology with large advantage.
Utility grid which is connected through home main service panels by using net metering makes the Residential Fuel Cells unit easy to be integrated into existing hydronic and electricity system in your house.
The natural gas supplies around your house are hooked up by the Residential Fuel Cells unit through the fuel processor to draw the hydrogen molecule out. After that, the electrochemical process combining oxygen with hydrogen molecules, the fuel cell unit generates electricity up to 5kW you can use for the whole home.
The electrochemical process involved in Residential Fuel Cells does not entail the combustion like the way traditional power plants generate the electricity. The elimination of combustion automatically reduces the production of pollutants and carbon emission as well, up to forty percents. Meanwhile, the heat which is produced as byproduct from that electrochemical process is able to produce sufficient amount of excess heat which can be used to warm around 750 gallons water. This excess heat can be managed to heat your hot water supplies or even a swimming pool in your house.
The usage and the advantage of Residential Fuel Cells units depend on the capacity of the unit itself, besides the amount of natural gas converted. Once you think that your units cannot afford the electricity and heat needs in your house anymore, it is possible for you to make changes or enlarge the capacity of the unit.
There are many Residential Fuel Cells manufacturers you can hire to install the unit in your house. Green living should be much easier today with this kind of fuel system.